Drawing a Pretty Goth Face

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Start off like we always do and make the guide for the face shape. Sketch in the facial guidelines, then proceed to step two.


Up next, draw out the shape of her face on a 3/4 angle. Once that is done you can draw in the bangs and then the hair. The hair should be drawn in with a slight curve.


We will complete the head by drawing the rest of her hairstyle. As you can see it's full, fluffy and parted by in a very neat way. Add some layers of hair in the back and on the sides.


For the last drawing step you will draw in the eyebrows, shapes of her eyes and then draw the nose, mouth and nose ring. Erase the mistakes and guides, then you're done.


Your drawing should end up looking like the line art you see here. Add some color to your Goth girl face and show everyone how pretty she is.

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May 30, 2017

Description: Hey guys, I'm almost at the end of my lessons so let's get on with it. This is a drawing that I am very proud of. It's another girl who is very pretty and has a very innocent looking face. Of course I had to make a gothic style female face so having said that, here is how to draw a pretty goth face, step by step. Everything about this face I love. The shapes of her eyes, the nose and even her mouth. Notice how the eyes have a sadness to them. They have this expression that tells the whole story behind the girl. I don't know what you would interpret from this drawing, but I know that it screams love, loneliness, innocence, and fear. I had a lot of fun making this face and I hope you do too as you begin drawing your pwn pretty goth face. If there is something that you would like to see on Dragoart, please don't hesitate to ask.

#how to draw goth #how to draw girls

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