This is how the petals are going to be flowing as you draw them in. As you can see when you draw rose petals, the open rose looks more vibrant, and beautiful.
Now let's start drawing the rose, and the rose petals. Begin with making a circle for the flowers shape.
Now you will start drawing the very center of the roses petals. Notice how the petals are narrow and close together. They tapper off the more you draw the roses petals.
Here is what I was talking about. As you keep drawing the rose petals for the open rose, the petals get larger, and spaced far apart from one another.
Now the rose petals start taking on a more triangular shape. Instead of a pointed tip, the rose petals should have a rounded tip as they flare out in a beautiful display like you see here. You will continue to draw out the petals until the circle is
For the very last step, all you have to do is draw the rest of the petals, and as you can see they completely fill up the circle you drew in step one. Now you can sketch out the surrounding leaves, and color in the center to convey the depth of the f
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October 17, 2010
Description: There are so many types of things I can choose to draw, but when I get asked to do something specific, I have to try and fulfill each tutorial as fast as I can. I like taking my time when doing so because when it comes to drawing, I like making sure I do the best I can. Unless of course I’m feeling lazy and my drawings come out looking messed up, or unorganized as far as color goes. Anyways, I thought a good lesson on "how to draw rose petals" would be something that many artists who love drawing flowers would appreciate learning. Now instead of making each petal separately, I chose to draw a rose from a top view. Initially I was going to call this lesson how to draw an open rose, but then I thought that is ridiculous because what I really want to show people how to do is make rose petals, or any other petal for that matter. The rose is open, which means you will actually draw the open petals of the rose instead of drawing the entire flower itself. I will probably update this tutorial in the next upcoming week because there are some tips and tricks I would like to show people. This way here drawing a rose or petals will be easier to understand how to do. I guess that’s all for now, so let me get going so we can get busy with drawing some flower petals. Adios people, and have a happy drawing day.