Magical rainbow sheep


Start by drawing the basic head,jaw and body using circles.


first, create a new layer, start to draw the fluffy outline of the coat, go wild on this part, most sheep have thick, coarse coats that tend to puff if not shaved. Also, to help draw neatly and precisely, change the opacity of the first base layer.Si   


Start to color your sheep, experiment with a different variety of texture and color.


Don't forget to shade! also, color the head carefully, again, just like the coat, use different textures for it. Also, shade around the legs to help create a somewhat varitized contrasted of legs.


GO CRAZY! two words simply used to create a unique masterpiece! use your own ideas for things to accesorize your sheep, he could be wearing a monocle for added awsomeness! I gave mine sheep rainbows. remember to make your sheep stand out! even bet   

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November 23, 2014

Description: A magical, simple tutorial to help stimulate the magic-barfing-rainbow sheep inside you!

1 - Super Cool
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