Start your guidelines on your paper in horizontal or landscape orientation. Begin about half way down the paper and light sketch two horizontal lines, the land mass from the right that comes out near the center of the page. Another piece of land mass
Add four shapes to your landmasses. One shape at the left looks like a candy drop, the other a lolly-pop, an upside down ice cream cone, and last a tall cylinder to the right. Yes, those are trees! This helps you to see where they go and their genera
This is where you start adding recognizable details. Behind the three trees that look like treats are more trees in the background. We can represent those extras by placing stick-like placements for future details. And as you look at the reference pi
You may be wondering how in the world can you add all those trees, limbs and leaves. It isn't an impossible task. A little patience and idea on general shapes will help tremendously. Check out those newly added circles around the background trees and
You've wiped the sweat from your brow. Great job, guys! Keep moving forward, bit by bit. The leaves are added on the background trees, looking like wiggly lines and puff balls. Midway we have our three treats looking like pine trees. See how the stro
Check it out! If you don't know it already, those are the basic shapes in nature -- the ball, cube, cone, and cylinder. You can see a lot of those shapes in the drawing you are doing right now. Then when I speak of tone that is the general lightness
Special Effects! How in the world do you create those fantastic leaves and pond reflection without shading, in tiny little strokes, your life away. The secret is in how you hold the pencil and the type of pencil's edge. Holding a sharpened pencil in
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November 28, 2010
Description: This is a wonderful Fall scene in the Midwest of a pond surrounded by the beautiful elm trees. A friend asked me to do this picture from a photo he took. And I must say, he was very happy with the results. You too can escape away to Fall days where the leaves cover the ground like a carpet and the ducks play in a nearby pond. I hope your drawing will give you pleasure as much as a beautiful Fall day can.