We being by sketching the body. Your goal here is the get his dramatic pose correctly. A few guide lines for the limbs, torso and head, and of course the guide line for the eyes.
Now we're going to sketch the face and a bit of his cape. Sketch the eyes on the guide line from the previous step , the the nose and mouth down the center. Then add his hair and ears. Finally the part of the cape which has more details in one place
Now continue with drawing his arms and chest, following the guide lines . Make sure that his muscles are visible and prominent .
Because of his pose, the "S" symbol on his chest is only partly visible . On the finished drawing only half of it should be visible . Make sure to maintain it's smooth round shape, and not get carried away with tiny spaces around it .
His legs are also muscular, but that will only be visible when shading them. Since legs have bigger muscles and arms .Thus the outlines of his legs are less curvy .
Finally , the cape. Please be careful when drawing the wrinkle lines, as these will be very important later on. Also pay attention so the left side of the cape fits in the page, this is essential, compositionally speaking, the character is on the lef
This sketch has been done differently, all my sketches are done differently . I do them the hard way, the find an easier one for you. Mine looks a bit different, some details I did not add , because they proved to be unnecessary.
Now before you do anything I would like you to pay attention to this step, and the next two. This is a minitutorial on the face, cape, and suit texture. This suit has a very complicated texture, which I was unable to draw as it was, so I had to simpl
The cape is basic shading , simple . It may look complicated , but the same pattern is repeated to create a fabulous cape. The texture of the suit begins with a few lines. The face is pretty simple, because it's very small , but it's also hard to det
Keep shading the cape and use a small piece of cotton to blend everything so it looks nice and smooth. Add some dots on the lines made on the arm, this may looks stupid but once you shade the whole thing looks different. I didn't shade here, because
As you can see I began with the head. I've managed to shade it in 5 minutes , since the surface was very small. Pay attention to details , they are important.
I have shaded his neck and fist. This is the only skin that shows. I've used a 2B mechanical pencil .
This is why I said mostly black.Not everything is complete black. The areas I left white are the ones where the texture will be visible .
Texture time. Draw the texture as I've shown you in the minitutorial and it should look like this, even if you shaded first. You also need to shade after you made the texture, only a bit.
The texture on the symbol on his chest is done the same, only more detailed, which means the dots are smaller and closer together, and the shading is different, it's brighter .I've also shaded the cape between his legs.
Now it's time to move to the cape. I've spent more time on the cape than I did on the body. It needs to be smooth, and your shading skills, no matter how good they are, you still need to be careful and have patience . Use Q tips to smoothen the surfa
I highly recommend following the path I did, because it's easier, unless you found an easier one, then congrats.
The cape is beginning to take shape . Don't ignore the guide lines, they are very important, if you want your cape to look good.
Finally the cape is done. After long hours I was glad this was over with, but the I remembered I still have to make the background.Now, you could just draw a bit of ground and make the background black , oor, you can make a quick background using gra
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May 27, 2013
Description: Hello peeps ! I bet you didn't expect me to upload anything for another couple of months eh ? Well no. This is Superman (duh) , the man of steel , well that's what the new upcoming movie is called . I really have high hopes for this movie, the one from 2006 was disappointing in my opinion. The approach is different, and from the trailer it looks promising. Plus Hans Zimmer made the soundtrack . Anyways , I made a tutorial for this legendary superhero , it took me quite a few hours to finish the drawing, and another few hours to work on the tutorial. Please take your time and follow each step carefully , this will not be easy, but the result will make for the effort.Enjoy