How to Draw Tecna, Winx Club, Tecna

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Draw a circle for her head, and then draw a triangle for her torso, as well as another shape for her pelvic area. Next, draw in the guidelines for the face, arms, and legs.


Now that you have the guides drawn out, you can start sketching out the structure of her face and then add that pointed V lining above her forehead like so.


Here you will squeeze in the shapes of her eyes, and then color in her eyeballs. You will then draw a nose and mouth for this Winx character.


Remember when I said that she has the head of a cone? Well, here you will draw out the pointed cone shape of her head and then add those much smaller cone shapes in the front and on the side of her head like you see here.


Tecna has some hair hanging out her the lining of her hat, and as you can see it looks loose, and semi-wavy.


You are now ready to start drawing out her upper body. Begin by making the shape of her neck, and then draw her very straight or broad shoulders. Draw in her arms, and her sharp angled torso. Her waist is covered with a shirt and if you look close th   


Finish drawing out the arms including her hands, and then finished drawing out the rest of Tecna's upper body and be sure to draw in the clothing lines that cut off the material from her skin.


Those flaps on her shoulders are actually the sings. I honestly don't know what type of wings they are but seeing how her name is Tecna, I assume the reason why they are so small is because she is a technical type of pixie. Draw out the odd wings and   


Here you will draw out her slender legs, and be sure to draw in the top of the boot line. She has a very confident stance so try and convey that in your drawing technique. When you are done here, you can proceed to step ten.


For the last drawing step as you can see all you have to do is draw out the rest of her boots which is also her feet. The boots have a squared toe design and then soles are pretty thick. Don't forget to draw out that heel before you start cleaning up   


Here is how Tecna looks when you are all done. I still have one more Winx pixie coming your way so try and stay tuned in to see who she is. Get busy coloring in Tecna and thanks for joining me with this lesson.

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June 21, 2011

Description: Greetings my fellow Drago mates and friends! Today I present to you with another fun lesson on another character from “Winx Club”, premiering on Nicktoons very shortly. How about we learn "how to draw Tecna", step by step? I had lots of fun creating this character, but I've got to say, her suit is pretty strange. She reminds me utterly of the Coneheads characters staring Dan Aykroyd and Chris Farley. Prepare yourself with a standard pencil, paper, and a kneaded eraser for clean, shapely erasing. I have experience use with this type of eraser, and if you've never heard of it before, it's a putty kind that forms the way you want it to. Ok, so, with all that being said, take your time and always practice if you want to draw the perfect looking Winx character. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to create your own to roleplay with. It's time for me to leave, since time's a tickin'. Don't forget to show me your finished drawings. I'd really love to see how yours came out. Thanks for viewing and have fun with your lesson, on this gorgeous day!

#how to draw winx club #draw winx club characters #how to draw winx club fairies

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