How to Draw Pizza

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All you have to do for the first step is draw a triangular shape for the slice, and if you want some cheese oozing off the edge, draw in a few clumps of melted cheese drops.


For the next step you will need to sketch in the detailing marks that will define or add body to the pizza and it's crust, Draw in eyes, and a mouth and then color in the eyes.


Make a border or crust trim on the bottom or along the edge of the pizza slice. Once that is done you can start adding your toppings. As you can see I drew in some pepperoni, and chopped peppers.


Here is your yummy piece of pizza when you are done. Of course yours may look different because you will most likely have more or less toppings on your slice.

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September 14, 2011

Description: It’s time now to get yourselves hungry because I have another tutorial slice for you guys right now. Up next we will learn "how to draw pizza", step by step. I was going to create a whole eight slice pizza, but then I said to myself, “That is exactly what most folks would expect if you submit a pizza tutorial”. So instead I drew a single slice, and I loaded it with cheese, green peppers, and pepperoni. I also added an additional ingredient and that is a cute chibi face. This is my personal preference for me if I was to call in an order, but you can add more vegetables like mushrooms, olives, onions, and even anchovies or more meat based toppings like burger, sausage, or maybe chicken. I think most of you will have fun drawing a customized slice of pizza that you enjoy eating. I will be back with some more drawing fun, but for now let’s see how you would draw pizza, and what you would put on it. Adios mi amigos and fellow artists!

#draw food #how to draw chibi food

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