How to Draw Pansies

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To start, draw two circles and then draw the stems. Add the guidelines in the middle, and then move to the next step.


You will now start sketching out the three petals on each flower you see here. Be sure that the edging is ribbed or wavy when you draw them out.


Continue to sketch out the rest of the petals, and then draw in the burst in the center of each flower. Draw the petals the same way you did in step two.


For your last drawing step all you have to do is draw out the rest of the petals, and then draw the stems. Add some definition and detailing to the petals like so, and then begin erasing all the lines and shapes you drew in step one.


When all is said and done, you should have a drawing that looks just as pretty as the one you see here. Color in the flowers, and then you are done.

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September 12, 2010

Description: Hey guys, I’m back with another flower lesson, and this time I will be teaching you to draw a hybrid bloom that you can find almost anywhere you walk. Today, I will be teaching you guys "how to draw pansies", step by step. The pansy is a garden flower that is from the viola species. In certain parts of the world pansies are referred to as wildflowers because they are an abundant species that come in all sorts of colors. Some pretty characteristics of the pansy consists of two overlapping top petals, three lower petals that join together in the center, and one big flower on the bottom that has some rib definition. These are undoubtedly some of the prettiest flowers to include in your garden no matter what colors you choose. I know there are a lot of flower lovers out there that would appreciate this lesson on "how to draw pansies". When you are done with this tutorial, you will have the ability to draw a garden that is vibrant with colors, shapes, and sizes. I hope you have fun, and be sure to stick around to see what else I have in store for you guys. Peace out people, and be sure to have an awesome drawing day.


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