How to Draw Kitty Katswell

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Make the shape for Kitty's head, and then add the guidelines for her face, and stick figure body frame.


Draw the actual shape of the face like so, and then add the lining for her very square but stylish bangs. Incorporate the ear shape, and hair when you draw out the face, and then make the skinny neck, and jacket collar which slightly folds over from    


Finish drawing out her fifties hair do, and he sure to add the thin headband. Once that is done, begin drawing Kitty's eye starting with the top lids. Notice how the lid lining is much more bolder the the rest of the lining. Next, add the nose and sm   


Finish drawing in her big bright eyes, and then you will also draw out the rest of her jacket as seen here. SHe has her jacket tied around the waist which means you will need to make the belt for that, and then draw in her hands, and long kitty tail.


As you can see, when drawing her legs, it will come out looking like one lump. This is because her character has is a feline which means they need to have well balanced legs. Draw in her boot too.


For the last step, all you have to do is draw a line down the middle of her legs to separate the two, and add a boot trim. Erase the lines and shapes you drew in step one.


That's it, you are all done. Color in Kitty Katswell and put her with her partner Dudley Puppy. I hope you had fun, and I also hope you watch the series when it premiers on October 2nd on Nickelodeon.

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September 3, 2010

Description: Kitty Katswell is an investigator that works for the Turbo Undercover Fighting Force, or T.U.F.F. for short. Her partner is the very cool Dudley Puppy, and the two are completely different. This tutorial is going to be on “how to draw Kitty Katswell”, step by step. Dudley got a great response so I figured that a lesson on his partner would only be right. Even though she was paired up with Dudley by The Chief, she would rather have been told that Mr. Puppy was no longer part of T.U.F.F. As you can tell by her appearance, Kitty doesn’t take sh-ite from anyone. She is a master at Kung Fu, and she is also very series when it comes to her job, and getting things done right. Of course the series doesn’t air until October 2nd, which is why I want you guys to have fun drawing the characters from the show before it hits your television screen. I had a lot of fun making Kitty, and I think you guys will enjoy this tutorial that is based on "how to draw Kitty Katswell" too because she really is easy to create. If you look at the characters themselves, you can see how simple it really is to draw each and every one of them. Of course some may be more challenging then others, but that’s the whole point when it comes to learning how to draw. Anyway, I better get out of here so that you can get started with this tutorial. I will be back in a bit with some more great fun.

#how to draw tuff puppy characters #draw tuff characters #how to draw characters from tuff

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