How to Draw Jax Teller From Sons of Anarchy

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Since we are drawing his head from a side/back view, you will need to sketch out the head guide with a jawline like so.


Using the guide you just made, sketch out the structure of lining to form Jax's face from a side angle. This should include the forehead, nose, lips, chin and jaw structure.


Here you will draw the outline of Jax' ear shape like so, then when you are done with that sketch in the hairstyle which is long but also greasy looking. He combs his hair in a part and just lets it hang loose.


Finish drawing his hairstyle like so, and be sure to detail the strands.


You will draw in the eyebrow then color it in, then sketch in the shape of Jax's eye. You will also have to color in the pupil too. Sketch the goatee in or facial hair the way you see it here, then add some side burns, ear detailing and his lips.


Now draw the back of his leather jacket which is also the collar. The jacket also has to have the shoulder and detailing added.


Begin drawing in the arch that says 'Sons of Anarchy' across the back of the jacket. When that is done move to step eight.


Finish things off by drawing the emblem on the jacket too. As you can see you can't see it in detail but that is what my next lesson is for. Erase the mistakes and that's it.


Here is Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy. Now you can color in this heartthrob to bring him to life.

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April 25, 2014

Description: For those of you that follow the Sons of Anarchy series you will love this lesson because it's on the main heartthrob played by Charlie Hunnam. I will start the day by showing you folks "how to draw Jax Teller", step by step. His full name is Jackson Teller. in the series his character is president of a motorcycle club called 'Sons of Anarchy'. One of the more appealing characteristics about Jax in the series is all the tattoos he has on his body including the famous one of all, the logo of his clubs image. Anyways, I didn't want to make things too hard when tackling this lesson on drawing Jax Teller. I used a reference of his face that is commonly seen everywhere which makes this tut that much more awesome. So go ahead and enjoy yourselves folks and I will be back with some other lessons for you all.

#how to draw sons of anarchy #how to draw sons of anarchy characters

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