Okay let’s start this Adult Swim character lesson by drawing out the shape of Early's body. All you will have to do is draw an outlined shape of a hat that looks like a sombrero. When that is done add the facial guidelines as well as a vertical lin
Now in this next easy step all you have to do is draw out the legs shapes of Early as you see them here. At this point his body looks a little funky and somewhat like a deformed octopus. Now once his body is done you will add the shapes of his eyes a
This is your last drawing step and all you have to do here is draw out his lunch bag shaped hat as you see it here. Once that is done you will draw out the lid and then the female figure in the middle of his hat. Add the writing that says "Booty Hunt
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January 30, 2009
Description: Wow, there is so much to do on DragoArt that it keeps me busy and takes up all my time. I have several projects that I am working on and because of that I will not be submitting as many tutorials like I use to. But I will still fill request so keep them coming in. For today’s first lesson I will be showing you "how to draw Early Cuyler" from Squidbillies step by step. This character from the animated series is wicked funny. I stay up sometimes watching Adult Swim because there are some pretty sweet shows that I get into besides The Family Guy, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, and Code Geass. Recently I have been watching my brother play this new game he bought called Ninja Gaiden; Sigma and let me tell you something, it absolutely rocks. But unfortunately this lesson is not about how to draw the Ninja Gaiden character; it is on a character from the very funny late night show called Squidbillies. The show is about a family of squid named the Cuyler family and they are supposed to be living in the North Georgia Mountains. Although this show is a part of the Cartoon Network Adult Swim line up, it is in many ways pretty raw and raunchy. The Cuyler’s often interact with much of the public and because of that they are very destructive, and often very rude. The character that you will learn how to draw is called Early and he is nothing but an alcoholic bum that has a criminal record as well as having a sailor mouth. Early is blind to his ill behaved manors and thinks he is a true hillbilly. This easy tutorial will show you how to draw Early Cuyler from Squidbillies step by step. Like always the steps are simple to follow and the instructions are easy to read. I will return with more drawing fun so stay tuned gang there is more on the way.