How to Draw Chibi Applejack

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Start out by making two circles, one for Applejack's head, and the other for her body. Sketch in the facial guidelines then proceed on.


Next, use the shapes you just made as your guide when you tackle this step on drawing Applejack's muzzle or snout followed by her neck and chest.


Up next, draw in the top part of her fluffy mane, then draw in the shape of her ear.


Use the facial guidelines to draw out the shapes of her big chibi style eyes. Make sure that the top lid line is thick and bold. Add some lashes, then draw in a smile, nostril slit, and some freckles. Oh yeah, detail her ear and hair as well.


Now let's draw Applejack's cowgirl hat. Her hat is slightly tipped backwards. When the hat is drawn, make a tear drop shape for the rest of her mane. Draw in the stubby chibi style legs, then proceed to step six.


You are almost done folks. Cap off the ponytail with the fluffy tuft of hair like so, then draw in her back end, legs, and tummy followed by her tail. Add a band at the end of her tail too.


Lastly, draw the strand lines to add texture to her hair, then draw the cutie mark on her hind or back end which are apples. Erase the mistakes and you're done.


When you are all done you should end up with a drawing that looks like the one you see here. Color in this chibi version of Applejack from MLP.

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May 20, 2013

Description: Everyone knows I haven't made any cool chibi lessons lately so therefore I will be uploading "how to draw chibi Applejack", step by step. This My Little Pony character is probably one of the more popular ones from the series. She is sweet, sassy, and has a country flare. I really love her look and style when she is in regular form so I tried to keep Applejack looking like herself while turning her into a chibi. I do think that this lesson will get a lot of views because lets face it, drawing chibi Applejack is sweeter than eating Applejack cereal. Peace to my homies and enjoy the tut.

#how to draw my little pony #how to draw my little ponies #how to draw my little pony characters

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