How to Draw Black Dino Ranger

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Okay start this first by drawing the guidelines and shapes to form a mannequin frame for your Power Ranger. First draw an oval shape for his head and then add the mask guidelines. You will then draw out the shape of the torso which looks like a a big   


In this next step you will start sketching out the shape of his Dino mask and then the outline frame of his body shape. Make sure that the arms contain wavy lines in some areas to show the wrinkle of his suit. On the bottom of his legs draw a rectang   


Right, well you have reached your third step which means you are getting closer to completion of this tutorial. What do you think so far, pretty easy right? You will start this step by drawing out the detailing lines and shape of his mask. Once that    


Wow look how far you have come! When you are done with this step your Black Ranger should look even more awesome. Here you will draw the bolt like shape across the eye part of his mask and then detail the horn in the middle. Next add the line details   


Well gang you have come to your last drawing step and here you will add the triangle like shapes that flow down the sides of his legs and on the sides of his arms. Once that is done draw an arrow like symbol in the circle of his chest and then detail   


Once your done the Black Power Ranger should come out looking like the one you see here. All that is left to do now is coloring him in black and gold. You have just learned How to Draw Black Dino Ranger from Power Rangers Dino Thunder step by step.

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January 20, 2009

Description: Hi again everyone welcome back to another tutorial as it will draw me closer to the one thousand tutorial mark. My first lesson for the day will be on a requested character from a very popular television series. I will show you how to draw Black Dino Ranger from Power Rangers Dino Thunder step by step. I had an awesome time when I did the tutorial on the purple Jungle Fury ranger so I decided that I would try once again to fulfill a request that would take me some time to do. At first I had a hard time trying to find a reference picture for this particular black Power Ranger, but then I remembered that the person who requested this lesson left me a link to get my info from. So that is what I ended up doing. As I was reading about this character I found out that Tommy Oliver has been a Power Ranger for some time now. He was originally the Green Power Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, then he was White Power Ranger, White Ninja Ranger, Red Zeo Ranger, Red Turbo Ranger, and then the character you are learning to draw today, Black Dino Ranger. His full name in the series is Dr. Tommy Oliver or better known as just “Tommy”. I remember the Green Ranger and the White Ranger, but after that I lost track of the series because I was getting into other shows and cartoons. I can tell you that it took me a while to sketch out this character because I wanted to make sure that his body limbs were in proportion and I also wanted to make sure that his suit looked like it does on the show. All in all I did have a fun time sketching out this Ranger and I hope that you all will like the way he came out. This lesson will show you how to draw Black Dino Ranger from Power Rangers Dino Thunder step by step. The instructions are easy to read and the steps are simple to follow. I will be back with other drawing fun in a while so stay tuned, I shall return.

#how to draw power rangers #how to draw a power ranger #draw a power ranger #draw power rangers

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