How to Draw Beth, Beth From the Bravest Warriors

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Make the mannequin outline for Beth starting with the circle for her head, then sketch out the torso, and pelvic area. Add the facial guidelines, then draw the leg lines.


Draw out the lollipop shaped head, then add the shape of the neck, then draw in her long dense hairstyle. Sketch out the bangs then proceed to step three.


Color in the eyes, draw the mouth, then draw in the ears.


Draw in the rest of her hair, then start sketching out the torso. Draw the vest she wears as well as the short sleeve cuffs.


You will now draw out the shape of her body which is your basic hourglass look. Her hips are wider then her shoulders, and the legs are pretty thick. She also has a small part of feet.


You are almost done with this character. Draw the noodle shaped arms, then draw in the shoulder pads as well as the belt, and other markings on her attire.


Lastly, draw the lines for the socks and shorts. Make the dimples on her knees, then erase the mistakes.


After all is finished, this is what she should look like. I hope you guys enjoyed this tut, thanks for viewing. Until next time!

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February 4, 2013

Description: These next characters are from the Cartoon Hangover YouTube channel. The show is called Bravest Warriors and today I will upload some of the main characters. Lets start with learning "how to draw Beth", step by step. Beth is one of the three main teenage heroes from the series. She is sixteen years old, and her full name is Beth Tezuka. Her personality is described as being full of energy, she loves having fun and she is very loving, and has a very positive mindset. All the characters from Bravest Warriors remind me of those from Adventure Time. That could be because they where created by the very same individual Pendleton Ward. This lesson will enable you to have fun drawing Beth Tezuka in no time at all. So go ahead and knock yourselves out, and I will be back with the rest of the gang. Adios.

#how to draw the bravest warriors characters

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