How to Draw Astoria, Battle Bears

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You will draw the shape of the head then draw out the mushroom stem like body shape. Sketch in the facial guidelines, then you are done here.


You will use the shape you just made to sketch out the actual structure of Astoria's head. Include the shapes of her ears, and be sure to make her cheeks pop out.


Next up, use the facial guidelines to draw out her wide cat shaped eyes. Once that is done you can draw in the long eyebrows, as well as the snout area. Add the small nose and then make a mouth line.


Okay, draw the neck, then draw out the shoulders and one of her arms. Include the shape of her hand, then add the straps to her back pack.


Here you will draw out her hips, then draw the legs. add the belt that she wears on her waist her hips, then proceed to step six.


For the last drawing step all you need to do is draw out the other arm, hand, add some fingers to her other hand, then draw in the detailing on her belt. You will also need to draw the backpack, and define the straps for her bag. Add the stomach mark   


Here is your drawing when you are all done. Color her in and that's it.

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May 1, 2013

Description: I haven't been around yesterday but today I have some fun lessons for you all. To start things off right, here is "how to draw Astoria" from the app game 'Battle Bears'. This spunky tan colored bear is in the special ops. She is a tough cookie that is always thinking ahead of the enemy which makes her pretty advanced. It is said that Astoria is super smart and has it all together. She wants so badly to be part of the gang but since she knows what time it is, everyone is hesitant to having her as a team member. Drawing these Battle Bears was super fun because I love their design style. If you are a fan of this game you will love drawing Astoria. I will be back in a bit so don't go anywhere.

#how to draw battle bears #how to draw battle bears characters
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