How to Draw an Umbrella

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You will first need to draw a large curved line that looks like a frown. From that line draw a vertical line for the umbrella's handle.


You will now add four other rib lines, and the knob at the top which is really called a ferrule.


Draw the dented lines across each rib until you have the shape of a an umbrella. Next, draw out the rod that includes the two clips that enables you to open and fold the umbrella at will, and then draw the crook handle. This is what the typical umbre   


To finish off this tutorial, all you have to do is thicken the rib lines like you see here, and then erase the visible guidelines you drew in step one.


That's it, you're done. That was probably one of the easiest things you have ever drawn right? Well, at least you know how to draw an umbrella now! Good work on this drawing guys!

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June 6, 2010

Description: This is the perfect lesson for anybody that is experiencing days with lots of rain, the same way I have been experiencing for the past three days. This next tutorial is going out to myself because every time for the past few days as I walk out the front door, I get soaked. I will teach you guys "how to draw an umbrella", step by step. This simple looking object is used by some people as an everyday item. Umbrella's are not only used to shelter you from pouring rain, it is also used for falling snow, blocking the sun on a hot sunny day as you walk the streets, or visit the beach, and it's even sometimes used as a walking aid. The very first working and folding umbrella was made in 1969 by a gentlemen named “Bradford E. Phillips”. Before that, objects that looked like today's umbrella has been used across the globe for centuries. Back then, these objects where called parasols. Parasols where greatly used in china, and in the UK by women and men alike. The men usually carried a black colored parasol, and the women had a parasol that was full of ribbons, bows, and ruffles. Did you know that in the U.S., there is roughly thirty three million umbrellas sold each year? It's true, all those umbrellas equals up to over three hundred, four hundred million dollars that consumers spend on this modern day commodity. That's pretty insane if you think about it. Anyway, this lesson on "how to draw an umbrella" is not only going to be fun, it's also going to be easy as well. That means any artist can tackle this tutorial! Well, that does it for me as far as this lesson goes. I will be back later on today with more drawing fun so stay tuned in folks!


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