How to Draw Adios, Till Death Do Us Part, Tokidoki

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Start with a large circle for the head, and then draw out the squared body. When that is done add one face guide.


Using a thick stroke, draw out the shape of his head which should form a wispy tip. Draw a frame for the face and then draw in the skeletal teeth.


Color in two solid eyes and a nose. The eyes should be large and friendly looking.


Draw out the plush style body and then the toy like legs.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in the arms, cape and then the lollipop or toy that he is holding that looks like a small skull. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one.


Here is what he looks like when you are all done. Color him in and that's it.

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June 15, 2011

Description: I’m not sure whether or not if the characters I am going to submit star in their own animated series, or if they are strictly plush toys. Anyways, because these guys are toys, there won’t be a lot of I can say. For the first character I will show you how to draw Adios, step by step. He is a reaper like figure from the ‘Til Death Do Us Part’ line by tokidoki. Adios used to spend his days in hell before he was kicked out by the Devil for being so darn good. For five hundred years all he knew was hell and now he must learn how to live on Earth. Luckily he met a girl named Ciao Ciao. Together the two skeletal characters live their lives among the living as they teach others how to live life to the fullest. I actually like these two figures, and I think that you guys will have a blast as you learn how to draw Adios too. Peace out people and enjoy the drawing day with artistic fun!

#how to draw til death do us part characters

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