How to Draw a Tail


Here is a quick sketch of some basic looking tails. I know they look funny but try and keep in mind that tails don't just belong to dogs and cats.


Like I was saying in the description, there are three main signs that a tail will give off. The first one is a defensive tail, the second is a wagging tail, and the third is a tail in a stern or serious pose or mood.


Here are three different animals and beings with tails. Notice how each tail is different. There is a tail being shown from the back view, a tail on an animal that is sitting from the front view, and an animal that is siting from a three fourths view   


This is a drawing example of a stiff tail verses a slithery loose tail. One is a dragons tail, and the other belongs to a dinosaur.


These are four different styles of tails. Study them to see which one you would like to use on your next character sketch or drawing.


Lets draw this animal figure with a long puffy tail. Start by drawing a circle for the head, and then a triangular shaped body. Next draw the lining for the face and tail.


You can now start sketching out the outline of the animals body using the guidelines and shapes you drew in step one. AS you can see this is a fantasy animal. Once the body is drawn out be sure to draw the snout, and eye lines.


Finish drawing out the eye, and then draw in the big bat like ears. You can draw any type of animal you like, I thought it would be cool to create a fantasy being. Once the ears are drawn, you can draw the front legs and feet.


Now it's time to draw out the big, long fluffy tail like you see here or you can choose a different style tail to draw. Before leaving this step you have to draw the belly line, and then the hind leg.


Let's finish off this animal by add some detailing to the tail like so. What you are doing is giving the hair some layers. When that is done you can sketch in the ear detailing and then define the coat of the animal like so. Erase the lines and shape   


Here is what the creature looks like with it's nice big tail. I hope you had fun learning how to draw a tail. Hopefully you will use what you've just learned on one of your animal creatures in the future.

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December 22, 2010

Description: Sketching and drawing animals are always fun to do. Over the course of time I have been asked repeatedly to make a lesson that can teach you "how to draw a tail", step by step. I know what you’re thinking, drawing tails really isn’t all that hard and for the most part you’re right. Now even though I believe that tails is something on an animal that can easily be created, there is certain styles and ways that one should make a tail. Because there are so many animals in the world, there is many different types of tails and none of them look the same. This lesson will show you "how to draw a tail" and with the tutorial you will be shown some sketches of different tail poses. The tail is a good way to tell how an animal is feeling. I will display the difference between a happy wag, and a defensive spike. When my dogs get defensive their hair along the back stands up, and their tails become stiff, curled and very erect. It’s amazing to see how an animal’s mood changes and you can almost always tell what they are feeling just by reading their “tail language”. Anyways, this should be a fun tutorial for anyone that has had a problem in the past when it comes time to draw a tail. Hopefully you learn something new here, and make sure to stick around because I still have one more lesson coming your way. Peace out people and have a happy drawing day!

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