How to Draw a Skateboard

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Learning how to draw a skateboard is very easy to do. All you have to do is draw two circles that are both oval in shape. Next you will draw a few guidelines for the actual length for the board and the horizontal lines are for the wheels.


What you will be doing here is sketching out the actual shape of the skateboard for both the top and bottom. The top skateboard is from an angle and then bottom board is on it's side. You will then start drawing out the wheels and move to the next st   


Draw the shape of the skateboard in more detail and then start drawing out the skateboard wheels as well. Once that is done you will start seeing your boards come to life.


Hey guess what? This is your last drawing step. All you have to do now is sketch out the brackets that hold the wheels to the bard and then sketch in the inside of the wheel as well. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one and m   


Here is what your drawing should look like when you are done. You can now decorate your boards anyway you wish and then color them in. I hope you guys had fun learning "how to draw skateboards step by step" and learning about the skateboarding histor   

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June 28, 2009

Description: I know I gave you all a wicked cool tutorial on a skateboarder, but what about a lesson on “how to draw skateboards step by step“? Well for those of you that have been waiting for a tutorial on this particular subject. In the description for the skateboarder, I spoke about the history and creation of the sport. With this lesson I am at a loss because I don’t know what to talk about except who made the first skateboard. The sport started around 1950 when regular California surfers wanted to try surfing the pavement like they surf their waves. The idea started to spread like wildfire and a bunch of heads started designing a board that we know and use as a skateboard today. Since no one really knows who designed the very first skateboard, the unit was created from all different angles. Did you know that when kids started experimenting with skateboards they used wooden boxes and boards with roller skate wheels attached to them? The art or sport of skateboarding started getting really popular during the early to mid sixties but later crashed and burned. It wasn’t until the year of 1975 that the sport took a turn that would make skateboarding the sport it is today. In Del Mar California, there was a freestyle contest and a team named “Zephyr” took the sport to the next level. They showed the world what true skateboarding was and three boarders made the sport what it is today. Those kids were Tony Alva, Jay Adams, and Stacy Peralta. If you want to watch a depiction of how skateboarding came to be, you should rent or buy the movie “Dogtown” it was so awesome. Anyway, I have to go now because I have a lot more work to do. I will leave you with this tutorial on “how to draw skateboards step by step. Peace out and happy drawing peeps.

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