How to Draw a Rose

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Draw an egg shape for the beginning part of the rose bud. Then add a stem line and two leaf lines.


You will now begin sketching out the shape of the roses flower, or bud like you see here.


As you can see the further you get ion this lesson, the more closer you become to creating a rose. In this third step you will be sketching out the rest of the flower like so, and then add the pedal detailing, and add a lip that is flapping off the e   


Draw the shape of the stem which is pretty basic, and then move to the last drawing step.


Here you will draw out the leaves. Notice how the edges are serrated. This is because rose leaves are a bit sharp or pointed around the edges and tips. erase the lines and shapes you drew in step one.


When you are all done, your rose should come out looking as good as the one you see here. Add some color and you are all done. Great work everybody!

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September 3, 2017

Description: I guess it’s time to say that the wonderful world of flower season is coming to an end as we are approaching the season of Autumn. Only three months after all the leaves have fallen from the trees, and the grass is no longer green, the flowers will die off slowly as we will move into winter. Because I love flowers, and because their perfume fragrance fills the air with a sweet, fresh smell, I wanted to draw a flower that I love and that is a rose. I know, I know, there are already a ton of roses on the site that are lessons. Sometimes instead of filling requests, or doing something because it’s pop culture, I often like creating sketches expressively. This means I like drawing my feelings or what I am thinking down on paper, or most of the time, on the computer. Of course when you "draw a rose" you can either make a complex version or a very simple version. I chose to draw a very easy version of a rose which means this lesson should be rather easy to learn from. You can tweak this rose to your liking, and when you are done, choose a shade to color in this pretty flower. I like red, but pink, yellow, and white are also very beautiful as well. That’s all for me or for this tutorial. I will be back, so keep your eyes close to the screen to see what I will put up next. Bye peeps!

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