How to Draw Harvest Moon

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Start this first step by drawing out a circle for the head. You will then add guidelines for the face, and body like you see here.


You can now start drawing out the shape of the face which is very simple, and then add her pretty oval shaped eyes, small nose, and friendly smile.


Okay, drawing out Celia's hair is going to finish off the actual shape of her head. The first thing you do is draw the two beginning thick strands that fall on the sides of her face. Incorporate the alpha she got going on as well. When that is done,    


Here you will finish drawing Celia's arm, and then her hand. When that is done you can draw out her dress and make the outline for her apron. See how easy it is to draw Harvest Moon characters.


For your last drawing step, all you need to do is draw out her farmers shoes like you see here. When that is done you can begin erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up your drawing.


When you are all done, your Harvest Moon character should come out looking like the one you see here. All you need to do now is color her in. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on Celia. Great job everyone, and keep up the good work.

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August 22, 2010

Description: Here’s a lesson you guys might enjoy. A few days ago I was talking with my brother about a request I received. Someone asked me if I could "draw Harvest Moon", in a step by step tutorial, and because I am a big fan of games like HM, I had to begin the drawing. Now, the reason why I was talking to my brother about the request, is because we used to play it none stop when we where kids. I had so much fun when I used to play that game, and I can totally see why someone would want me to do a lesson on this particular series. As some of you may know, Harvest Moon came out for the SNES or Super Nintendo back in 1996. The object of the game is to basically form, and maintain a farm consisting of various fruits, vegetables, and animals. You also have to make friends with town folk, and even get married. There is all types of things you can grow besides fruits and vegetables. There is herbs, and flowers you can also farm, and there is all sorts of objects you can collect. Besides farming, in Harvest Moon you can also remodel the house, and in some cases have kids. A game very similar to Harvest Moon is FarmTown which can be played on various social networks like Myspace, and Facebook. The difference between the two games is one has more capabilities. I personally love Harvest Moon, and the character I chose to draw for the main image is Celia. Believe it or not, but there is I think twenty titles that make up the Harvest Moon game series. Anyway, I really did have so much fun as I sat there and made this lesson on "how to draw Harvest Moon", or Celia. As you can see it should be a rather simple tutorial to learn from, and it should only take about twenty minutes to complete from start to finish. I will be back again because there is still two more lessons that I need to upload. So, have fun with this, and other tutorials until my return. Peace out people, and have an awesome drawing day!


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