How to Draw a Pineapple

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Draw a circle in the shape of an oblong face. Add the inner guideline, and then draw the sporadic lines for the pineapples leaves on the top.


All will you need to do here is draw the shape of each individual hard spiked leaf. When you're done, move to the next step. Oh yeah, don't forget to add some detailing lines to add texture to the top of the fruit.


Sketch out a bolder shape of the pineapple and then move to the nest drawing step.


Draw the crosshatch lines you see here, and they should cover the entire body of the pineapple. When you're done, stroll down to the next step which also happens to be your last.


For the last drawing step add the dimples that give this fruit some texture. Erase any visible guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up your drawing.


It's now time to color in your drawing and wrap up this tutorial on "how to draw a pineapple, step by step".

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January 24, 2010

Description: Mmm...sweet goodness is all you taste when you bite into the slices of a fresh, ripe pineapple. I told you that I was going to submit a juicy, tasty looking lesson, and I am right now. Grab your plates because it's time that you learn "how to draw a pineapple step by step”. Not only is this delicious fruit an awesome object to draw for still life sketches, it is also the concept shaped home of one very famous sponge that lives in the sea. Yup, Spongebob Squarepants. The pineapple is one of the more popular fruits in existence because of it's super sweet, flavorful taste. These plants are originally native to Paraguay, and some southern parts of Brazil. This tasty edible food is used in salads, for deserts, and even for main courses or as a garnish for ham. Pineapples have a high acidity content which means if you have a problem with getting heartburn's, you might want to hold off on eating a bunch of this type of fruit. I love eating pineapples that are cut up into small diced pieces and topped with cool whip. The lesson is pretty easy, which means when you're done you can color in the drawing to look like a fruit, or add a window, door, and small chimney to replicate SpongeBobs house, your choice. That will do it for this tutorial that shows you how to draw a pineapple”, as you know I shall return!

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