How to Draw a Halloween Mummy

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First things first, make a circle for the mummy's head.


Next, draw two smaller circles for the eyes, and a small round shape for the mouth.


Next, let's work on the body. All you have to do is draw in the perched arms and rounded or bandage covered hands, then draw in the rest of the body which is the torso, legs and wrapped up feet. Be sure to add those crease or crinkled up bandages at    


Now we will need to draw in all the bandages. Start at the top and work your way down. Notice none of the lines are the same thickness. Draw in the cute teeth like so, then keep drawing out the bandages until you are done.


Lastly, you will need to draw in that one loose piece that always seems to start the unraveling process. After you draw the single loose bandage, you can erase your mistakes because you are done!


When all is said and done, here is how your Halloween mummy looks. Now you can have a blast drawing a background, or just coloring it in. Make sure you hang up your drawing for all to see.

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October 11, 2012

Description: Here is another Halloween related lesson for all you monster loving fans out there. How cute is the face on this mummy? I love it so much, I think I'm going to try and make more characters like this one. Here is "how to draw a Halloween mummy", step by step. Halloween is full of different types of monsters, but none more epic than the famous mummy. I can remember when I was a kid I wanted to be a mummy and I wanted my costume to come out looking just like the mummy you see here. I helped my mother rip and tear a queen sized white bed sheet into shreds so we have some bandages for me to be wrapped up in. The plan didn't work out so good because they starting coming loose with the first few steps I took. I was bummed that Halloween, but I also made a note not to ever be a mummy again unless I had the proper costume. Well, needless to say I never bought a mummy costume, and I never dressed up like one again either. Instead I spent my youth dressing up as zombies, vampires, and even a witch. All simple characters. I hope you enjoyed my story, and I hope you have fun drawing a Halloween mummy. I shall return so stay tuned in. Peace!


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