Next, sketch out the actual structure for the face of the mask like so, and when you do this make sure there is a slight curve where the pipe like filter will be.
Sketch in a slightly squiggly line down the center of the mask, then draw the eye shapes along with the crinkled up pleats at the base of the mask.
You are almost done. Here you will start drawing the tubing and the puck shaped filter end. This is a series of layers that form the spout.
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February 19, 2014
Description: The inspiration for this lesson came from a post I seen on Facebook of a couple people dressed up in these gas masks holding money. Instead of putting dollar signs in the eyes, I drew what is supposed to look like a bio-hazard symbol. The long elephant looking filter is made of metal and rubber tubing. In general this should be a pretty simple tut to tackle, I had fun with it so I know you will too. especially those of you that like this type of tattoo art. Learning "how to draw a gas mask tattoo" is going to be one of the more exciting tuts you tackle today.