How to Draw a Female Face

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So, here I show the best way to make a perfect circle and dead-on line. Once you've drawn the many circles on top of each other (for which you won't lift your pencil--just keep drawing circles!!) then just erase until you've got a nice circle!! Make   


Now that you've learned to draw circles and lines, you'll use that for this step. Start out with a circle and a curved line. The line should be placed about 1/3 from the left of the circle, and should almost follow the curve of the circle. The line   


Now, you add the chin and the guidelines for the eyes. Unfortunately, (I apologize) I did a HORRIBLE job on the eyes for this tut. Do the eyes however you want, but make sure you place the guidelines. They're extremely helpful. Remember: the tip    


Now: add on circles that will become the shoulders and sketch in the eyes. Don't forget the guidelines. They're very important!! Sketch in a couple of lines for the neck. Also: Depending on the size of the circles and the distance apart you put t   


Now, you will sketch in from the shoulders down. This is also when I suggest to get rid of the eye guidelines but NOT the center line. Sketch in the bangs of the hair however you'd like.


NOW is when you can erase the center line. This is also where you will sketch in the rest of the hair. I personally like to add a bit of a breeze when I'm doing this view. :) You can also erase any of the original lines that are being overlapped   


Here's where you will add in the accessories and details, such as a ribbon and her shirt. Also, add the shines of the eyes here and her eyebrows.


As an extra step: Add in the folds in her clothes, the blush under her eyes and a few extra lines in her hair to show strands.


Fix any lines that need some tweaking, and you're done! I hope you enjoyed drawing this!

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January 28, 2012

Description: Hey! So, this will be my first tutorial, and I decided to do something that I'm decent at: anime/manga. I hope you like this, I tried to break it up into easy steps. For your convenience, I added the best way to get a perfect circle in with the tut. :)


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