This is a very, very simple lesson so I want you all to take it easy and have some fun. Start with a large circle and add the semi-facial guideline. Next draw out the body shape that resembles that of a baby chic or lemon.
The next thing that you are going to do is draw out another circle which will be for the eye. You will then color it in leaving three circles uncolored. Draw out the bunny ears and then a cute little nose bump. Add a dash for a smirk and then the bun
What you will be doing in this third step is first drawing the inside line of the ear as shown. Next add another dash for the eyebrow and then the shaping line for the chest. You will then draw out the beginning shapes for the bowtie and the lines fo
Now that you have reached your last drawing step, you can go ahead and first start erasing all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one. You will then finish drawing out the shape of the bowtie and then add minor detailing to it. See, how
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March 17, 2009
Description: That first lesson of the day was fun wasn’t it? Now it is time for another Easter tutorial on a very special object that kids look for in their Easter baskets. What could I be talking about you ask? That’s right, chocolate Easter bunnies. I will show you how to draw a chocolate Easter bunny step by step. I know all of you know that I obviously love Easter, and you probably already know that I don’t care how old I am, I still want a basket for Easter Sunday. Chocolate bunnies, peeps, chocolate Easter eggs, jelly beans, and every other candy associated with this religious holiday, is almost better than getting presents in Christmas. Well… I won’t go that far, but it’s pretty close. I know that drawing Easter stuff can be a bit difficult at times and believe me I did take that into consideration. So to make this lesson a whole lot easier, I drew out this chocolate bunny anime style. The eyes are big and gazing so that all you have to do is draw a simple circle and the body is pretty basic. Add a neck tie and you have just created a special treat that can be dipped into your favorite peanut butter or fluff. Just thinking about eating something chocolaty is making my mouth water. I just thought that I should draw an object that represented the most common thing received on Easter. I also thought about doing a tutorial on how to draw a bird nest with colored eggs in it. But then I thought that would be pretty boring seeing how I already submitted a lesson on three Easter eggs. Well anyway, I hope you enjoy this fun and easy tutorial on how to draw a chocolate Easter bunny step by step. And, I hope you don’t try and eat your paper when your sketch is done, because that would be…coo coo!