How to Draw a Anime Turtle


First draw a hat like shape. Next Draw on big oval at the front on the shape then draw one at the back. Beside the two shape's you just drew draw Two more smaller legs. Then at the begging of the neck draw the neck betweenthe front legs and the shell   


Add a circle shape on the neck to create the head for the turtle.


Now erase all of top's and add a line to the bottom of the shell. Add a moutn to your turtle.


Now time to add the detail for the eyes draw and oval and add a curved line at the top of the oval. Inside the oval draw a circle and draw two circle's diagonal. add features to the shell. Last add the fingers and toes.


Now your done color it in and add some shading if you like

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August 5, 2010

Description: This is a Tutorial on <em><strong>ow to draw an Anime Turtle</em></strong>. Kick back and get your pencils ready for an uber fun lesson!

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