Draw Raven from Teen Titans


First, you draw the guidelines for Raven's body and hood.


Next, you draw part of her face (the part that shows), her glowing eyes, and part of her hood. I'm sorry about the legs... you can't really see them. I should have used a thicker setting. Bear with me here, though.


Now, add a few other details, and finish Raven's hood. Start on her outfit. I don't know what to call it... a leotard? I think?


Now, onto Raven's legs. They twine around each other, so first draw the thighs, then Raven's left shin (the one on OUR right) goes behind the other. Remember... NO BOOTS YET!!!


Now, show The Cloak of Darkness draped over her shoulders. Next, using oval-like shapes, draw along the guidelines Raven's arms. Now, you can erase the arm and face guidelines.


NOW you can draw the boots. Raven's hands are also very important. She needs hands.


Raven has superpowers. Draw circles around her hands to see them in action! Also, finish her cloak with straight folds from top to bottom. For the bottom draw squiggly lines. Also, make guides for Raven's belt.


Now, draw circles inside circles along the belt guide, as well as on the part of the cloak around Raven's shoulders as well.


Finished! Yay for you!

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March 27, 2014

Description: I love Raven. She's my favorite Teen Titan. I love drawing her, and I thought you would, too. Any suggestions or such... post it in the comments!

#how to draw teen titans characters #how to draw teen titans
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