How to Draw an Otter for Kids

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Make an oval or egg shape for the head of the otter. You will then add face guides.


Thicken the lining of the shape you just drew and then draw in the slopped ears of the otter.


Draw out the shapes of the eyes like you see here and then make the lining that will form the eye balls like so.


Make the acorn shape of the nose and then draw the thin lines that forms the nostrils. Draw the mouth or lips and then add three whiskers on each side of the otter's face.


Draw the chest, and then make the shapes of each front leg. Draw the toe lines too before proceeding to step six.


For the last drawing step all that is left to do is draw the shape of the back, tail, and hind legs. Do the same thing you did in step five by making the toe lines as well.


When you finish cleaning up your drawing you should have a sketch that looks as good as the one you see here. Color in your otter and you're done.

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October 26, 2011

Description: Now that I have uploaded another great lesson on a different type of dragon, I will move onto something much more adorable. I know it’s hard to believe that there is something cuter than a dragon dressed up as a witch, but there really is. Here I present to you a tutorial on "how to draw an otter for kids", step by step. Otters are fun animals to watch if you are lucky enough to observe them in a zoo or animal refuge. The simplicity of this tutorial is literally going to make your head spin because the end results of what your drawing will look like is almost unheard of. How can it be possible that drawing an otter could be so easy and come out looking great? Like a lot of the tutorials I submit on Dragoart, I had an awesome time drawing an otter for kids. Now you can have fun learning the ropes on an amazing animal breed. I will be back soon with some more drawing fun so stay tuned in.

#draw for kids #how to draw otters

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