How to Draw an Easy Nose

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Here's just a huge variety of noses you can adapt with, and how each nose style creates a unique effect. Notice how each nose isn't even similar to each other, besides the angles. Again, looking at the female noses, see how they are much softer in de   


First we will start off drawing the nose from a front view. Begin with making a circle for the tip of the nose like so. You will then sketch out the tip, then draw the sides which are the nostrils and bridge of the nose. Color in the nostril holes, t   


Again, draw a circle for the nose, the tip, nostrils and bridge, then shade the nostril hole area.


One more time. Make a circle, nose tip, nostrils and bridge, then add detailing and shading like so.


Now let's draw a nose from the side. Make the slop shape of the nose style you want, then sketch in the nostrils or nostril hole, then add the detailing to the tips of each nose.


For a broader nose you will make the lining for the nose with a slight crooked line, draw the nostrils, add detailing to the tip.


Here is how the nose looks when you're done. Color it in, use it on a character or do whatever it is you like with this nose made easy.

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January 22, 2013

Description: Here is the last lesson as far as easy tuts goes. Here we will explore the task of drawing noses in a very simple manner. The tips and steps will make it very easy ti understand how to get the job done, and done right. Here you see a very broad looking nose that has a strong sharp nostril flare. If you have ever struggled with drawing noses, you should find this tutorial very helpful. Since that is all I have for easy stuff for the day, now is a good time to think of some other parts of the face or body that makes making a figure complete. I will be back soon so look forward to the fact that I will return. Peace out people, and enjoy.

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