Alrighty, to get things started off nice and simple, let's break down some important features of a 3/4 view face. 1. An easy face has less detail, therefore, when drawing the eyelids, make brief lines. 2. A simple lip is less defined as possible. 3.
1. A simple face from the front would have a brief curve inwards. By creating a nearly noticeable line above the lip with some shading, you'll have nice simplistic lips! 2. Simple faces are less defined face shapes. Keep things simple!
I would prefer using a simple guideline that separates the distance between the eyes. Drawing a face from the 3/4 view can be a bit of a trouble to proportion. Stick with a guide that's added with perspective, like shown above.
Alright folks, last pointer! A side face, they can be very difficult. Here's a few tips that will show you on what to be aware of. 1. Add a block full of light shading to give a loose appearance of 3-D lips. 2. This is very similar to #1 3. The eyebr
Now let's begin. Start by making two circle shape for the heads, and then add the facial guidelines like you see here, and try to keep in mind what I talked about in the tip step.
You will now start sketching out the head shape and face shape of the female face to the left. For the male face to the right, just sketch out the shape of the lower portion of the face. Both faces will get their eyes drawn out as you see here.
Remember you are drawing easy faces, which means this lesson should remain fairly simple. You will finish drawing in the rest of the eyes, and then draw the eyebrows, noses, and mouths like so. Be sure to take your time so the faces come out looking
Now that you have the basics drawn out, you are now ready to begin sketching out the hairstyles that your easy faces will wear. Now I chose to draw long wavy hair on the girl, and a short buzz cut for the boy, but you can add any type of style you wi
For your last drawing step, all you have to do is sketch out the bottom lip for the female, and then sketch out the ear like you see here. Next, finish the boy's hair style, and then add some definition and texture detail for the girls face. Erase th
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May 25, 2017
Description: I did a lesson yesterday that I am very proud of because it came out so incredibly awesome. I am going to be submitting more easy stuff, and this time the lessons are going to be a bit more exciting. Before we begin I want to point out that there are two tutorials that have some pretty good helpful tips to make it easier to draw easy stuff. The first is going to show you "how to draw an easy face", step by step. The face is an excellent candidate to make an easy tutorial out of because faces are one of the harder things to draw. I will show you how to draw a face using instructional steps, and informative diagrams that will explain how a face should be shaped, and drawn. There is an easy way to draw anything, and because I know how to break down an image into a really good tutorial, you will be able to teach yourself the abilities needed to draw some of your favorite stuff like animals, people, flowers, objects, and cars. This face tutorial is guaranteed to teach you the ins and outs to drawing an easy face with hardly any complications. If you have an idea for a lesson that you would like to see on Dragoart.com, just drop me a request line and let me know what you would like to see as an easy tutorial. There are enough people on this site that would enjoy learning "how to draw an easy face" because the face is, without a doubt, one of the hardest tasks to complete when sketching out the human face. I do hope you enjoy this submission. As you know I will be back in a moment with more easy stuff to draw. Peace peeps!