Start by drawing out the shape for the pony's head and then add an eye line. You will then draw the beginning lune for the bridge of the nose. Next add a neck line and then a medium sized egg shape for the body. Draw leg lines and then move to the ne
You will draw the nose of the pony and then the shape of the back of the head. Next draw the beginning shapes for the legs as you see them here and then add a line for the arched tail. Draw the rest of the lining for the eye and move to the next step
Wow your pony is coming along so pretty. What I want you to do now is start drawing out the lines for the mane and tail. The mane should be full and with plenty of body. The tail is thick and curly and then draw the lower jaw and cheek. Draw more lin
Start sketching in the hair strand lines on her mane and on the tail. You will then add detail inside of the ear and around the eye. Give her lashes and then draw her hooves. Add some hair over the hooves and then move to the last drawing step.
This is your last drawing step and I want you to draw the rest of the hair strands and then draw out and color in the eye pupil. Add a nose nostril line and then erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.
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March 24, 2009
Description: This is going to be a cute lesson on how to draw a pony step by step. I was going to draw a realistic pony but decided to make this tutorial simple enough for everyone to enjoy and learn from. At first I colored the pony pink including the tail and mane. But then I chose to color it brown and white like the horses that are commonly seen being ridden by Native Americans called paint horses. Paint horses come in many different patched shades like black, bay, brown, chestnut, dun, grullo, sorrel, palomino, buckskin, gray or roan. Each color listed is usually combined with white and the white is the canvas. I designed a nice playful background to express the fun and child like feeling you get when you look at the finished colored image. Ponies are as you know baby horses and they are pretty freakin adorable. The horse is probably one of my favorite breed of animal whether they are domesticated or from the wild like a mustang or a stallion. Learning how to draw a pony is a fun way to dress up the animal with some hair pieces and even a saddle. You can also play with the colors because this pony is drawn and laid out as a cartoon like lesson. I will be back with some more tutorials for you all, but in the mean time have fun learning how to draw a pony step by step.