The first thing you need to do when drawing a landscape is sketch out the base or ground of your setting. Since we will be making a lake, foothill, and mountain, you will need to draw two thick lines that are going upward. The bottom line is for the
Before you start with drawing the pine trees, you need to make the wavy foothill line like so. Once that is done draw a variety of different shaped pine trees, or any other types of tree you like. Color in the ones closest to the left like so, and th
For the last drawing step all you need to do is draw in the rocky style mountain that is laid out in the horizon, and then add some detailing to the mountain. Lastly, draw in some puffy clouds like so, and begin the process of cleaning your drawing s
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January 4, 2012
Description: I said that I had some fun tutorials for artists of all skill levels didn’t I? Here is my take on showing you beginning artists “how to draw a landscape for kids", step by step. There are so many different types of landscapes that one can create, and I kind of had a difficult time thinking of a perfect setting to draw. I was going to sketch out something based on a winter setting but that would only be good for the winter season. I then thought about making a landscape drawing of a country setting with a small cottage on a hill in the distance, with an old broken post fence in close up range. The tall hay style grass would’ve been a nice gesture, but in the end the easiest thing for beginning artists to tackle is what I have for you here. A quiet siren landscaped drawing of a mountain, foothill, and some pine trees scattered about. The small lake was an added bonus because if you want to turn this into a wintery landscape, all you have to do is draw some chunks of snow on the trees and grass, and instead of coloring the water blue, turn it into ice and maybe even add a couple skating. I had a lot of fun creating this tutorial, and hopefully a lot of you will find that drawing a landscape for kids is something that comes in very helpful. I will return again with some more drawing fun so be sure to stick around. Adios people and enjoy!