Step one, like always you will start it off by drawing guidelines to help you sketch Scooby Doo's head a whole lot better. Start by drawing a round circle for the inner part of the head. Then draw a big rounded diamond shape for Scooby's nose, from t
Now draw the bottom half of Scooby Doo's face and ears with very simple line art. See how the ears are thick and detailed? That is what you are trying to accomplish in this step before you go down to the next step which is your last. He has an open
And here is you last and final step to drawing an easy Scooby Doo head. He is just so cute isn't he? Now all you have to do here is draw his neck. This starts a line coming from behind the bottom part of the ear, and slightly curve the line down and
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February 16, 2008
Description: Hey Scooby, where’d you go buddy? Yup its Scooby Doo again, I love Scooby, I think he rocks. He is one of my favorite cartoon pooches with no doubt. This time, I thought I would submit a tutorial on a head shot of Scooby Doo. He is such a fun character to draw because he is so incredibly easy, when you learn how to draw Scooby Doo’s head, it literally contains only three steps. The easiest part is, all of it, I mean the tutorial is so easy that even a 6 year old can "draw Scooby Doo’s face" in like 15 minutes. The simple to read step by step instructions will show you exactly what to do where and when. I always like to start my tutorials from the top. The reason for this is because, when you start from the top, you can always go backwards with ease to erase a line you drew or just to make the size of the sketch bigger. Not only that, but you can also get a good idea how the sketch will wind up coming out just by seeing the position and proportion of the head face and shoulders. If those three things do not come out right in the beginning of the sketch, then your whole drawing is going to have a problem. I’m not sure if a lot of children come here, but if they do I’m sure they will appreciate a nicely drawn, colorful tutorial on Scooby Doo’s head. I know I find him fun to draw and color, and they always say, “If a kid likes something, that usually indicates something is good”, and I know my sketches are good. Well I hope you have a total blast learning how to draw an easy Scooby Doo head. Maybe his head can tell you what time it is.