Start out by picking your supplies. You can use just about any pencil for this but I chose to use a 6H pencil. As far as tools go use a T-Square to draw perpendicular lines, a compass to draw circles, and a ruler to draw lines.
Let's start with the basics. Draw a straight line perpendicular with the side of your paper using a t square. This line will be your horizon. Add a point on your horizon line. This point is your vanishing point. All of your non-perpendicular lines wi
Before we move to basic forms, let's draw some basic shapes. Start by drawing a rectangle (square), circle, and triangle. All of our basic forms will be build from these shapes.
Now lets create some planes out of our shapes. Start with a rectangular plane. project some lines from the vanishing point. draw a perpendicular line using a t square to form one side of your plane.
Draw another perpendicular line between your previous one and the horizon line. This will be the other side of your plane.
Connect your points to form your rectangular plane. Next, project some lines from the vanishing point for your circular plane.
Sketch your circular plane within the square one. The center of the circle is at the intersection of the two diagonal orange lines. There are more exact ways of drawing circles using perspective but for now just sketch your plane. I will go over the
Now for the triangular plane. Draw three equally space points on a perpendicular line. Then project some lines from these points to the vanishing point.
Place a point on the center line and projects lines to it from the other two points in order to form your triangle.
Close up your triangle. That's an ultra basic introduction to perspective! Play around with the concept and try to turn more complex types of shapes into planes.
Now let's build some forms! Remember that shapes are two dimensional and forms are 3 dimensional. Start with a horizon line and vanishing point again. Then form a rectangle using a T-square.
Create a rectangular prism by drawing another rectangle behind the previous one. Make sure that the corners of this rectangle touch the the four lines being projected from the previous one. The closer the rectangle is to the vanishing point, the long
Now extend points from the corners of the plane to the end of the center line to form your pyramid. After that extend a new line from the vanishing point and create a circle at the other end of it using a compass. This will be one side of a cylinder.
Project some lines from the sides of the circle to the vanishing point. Draw a perpendicular line across between the two previous lines. This with be the diameter of the cylinder's other end.
Finish up your cylinder by drawing a circle. Make sure that your new circle's center is inline with the other circle. Connect the two circles to form a cylinder. Now add a line. Draw a perpendicular line up from the center of the previous line. These
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April 12, 2012
Description: Perspective is one of the most important concepts that you can learn as an artist. Regardless of what your medium is (traditional or digital, 2D or 3D) perspective can be applied to your artwork. Hopefully you have already have a bit of education over this subject from geometry class if not take a geometry class if you ever get the chance! For now here is a basic introduction to perspective. Expect more to come!