How to Draw Domo Kitty

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Start by making a square shape like you see here, and then when you are done you can draw in the facial guidelines like you see here.


Next, start sketching out the shape of her actual body shape by making the the dips, curves, and legs, You will also need to draw out the stubby arms that every Domo should have and make sure there is a thumb too.


Now it's time to draw out the wide open square mouth, and then draw in the nose. You will also color in the bead like eyes, and then draw out the bow like you see here.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw the sharp teeth, whiskers, and then finish drawing out her bow. Be sure when you draw the whiskers, you make them thick or bold like you see here. Erase the lines and shapes you drew in step one an   


Here is the finished product when you are all done. Now you can color Domo Kitty in and then use her for your enjoyment. I hope you had fun, and I also hope you enjoyed this long awaited lesson.

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December 8, 2010

Description: Hey guys it's me Dawn, your trusted Dragoart artist and friend and I'm back with some more drawing fun that I think you will flip over. Today I will be showing you "how to draw Domo Kitty", step by step. Now I know many of you here know just who Domo Kitty is because there has been countless requests for her to be drawn. The thing with this new pop culture creation is the fact that Domo is combined with Hello Kitty, which in the end makes an awesomely adorable new character called Domo Kitty. Even though she is a roaring monster, she still carries herself very well by keeping the cuteness. She still wears a pretty pink bow in her hair, but there are no clothes. Anyways, there really isn't a lot to learn when you teach yourself "how to draw Domo Kitty". I will be back because I still have two more tutorials going up before the days end. Have fun everyone and be sure to rate, comment, and even upload your won work for all to see. Peace out, and happy drawing!


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