How to Draw Alice in Wonderland

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Start this step with some simple guidelines and shapes to make a frame for Alice. Draw a small circle for her head and then add facial guidelines. Make the horizontal line for the shoulders and then add the torso circle. From that add the limb guidel   


All you will do here is add some more lines. Sketch out the lower portion of the shape of her face and then begin drawing the lining of her hour glass shaped dress.


You will then sketch in the front part of her hair and then the bottom lining for her arms. Add some ruffle for the bottom of her dress and then sketch in the lower half of her legs.


You will now use the facial guidelines you drew in step one to add the shapes of her eyes. Then make a line for her neck. You will then finish off the shapes of both her arms and hand. Add some ruffle for her sleeves and finish off the bottom lining    


By the time you reach this step you will start seeing Alice's features shine through. Add more lining for her hair and then give her pouting lips. A collar and fingers are next and then some creasing ion her dress. Make the lining for her shoes to gi   


This is your last drawing step. So what is the first thing you will do? Yes, erase the guidelines and shapes because you just don't need those anymore. Finish drawing her hair and make sure it is nice and full looking. Give her some pretty looking ey   


Ok people, what your going to do now is basically draw the rest of her legs. Alice can't float, right? Drawing this part of the body of Alice can be pretty easy. The shoes are probably the most easiest part. Are you ready for the finished line art?


Wha la! here she is all dressed and ready to be colored. Get out your markers, crayons or colored pencils and give her some color. That will end this tutorial on how to draw Alice from Alice in Wonderland step by step. I know you don't think I'm gone   

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October 2, 2008

Description: Well I decided to switch it up a bit with a tutorial that is geared toward girls and young kids. This next tutorial will be on a Disney character that I think you are all familiar with. She is cute, sweet, soft spoken, and she has blonde hair. That is right; you will learn "how to draw Alice in Wonderland". Alice is a character from a novel written by an English author named Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. The story revolves around a young girl named Alice who one day followed a rabbit wearing a coat and carrying a watch down a rabbit hole. As she went down the hole, she started to fall slowly until she came to a halt. That is where her adventure began and her childhood stopped. By the time she finished her adventure she experienced several different things. First she shrunk as tiny as a mouse, and then she grew up again. She grew so tall that she became very upset and started crying until there was a pool of tears. Along her adventures she meets the White Rabbit, The Mouse, The Dodo, The Lory, The Eaglet, The Duck, The Lizard, The Caterpillar, The Duchess, The Cheshire Cat, The Hatter, The March Hare, The Dormouse, The Queen of Hearts, The Knave of Hearts, The Gryphon and The Mock Turtle. The book was great and the movie by Disney was awesome. Some of my favorite characters from the book are of course the Cheshire Cat, the Caterpillar, and the White Rabbit. This is a very simple tutorial because all the steps are easily explained and the instructions are detailed so that you will have minimal problems with understanding what to do. I tried to keep Alice look the way she does in the Disney version, that way there you can be familiar with who you are about to draw. So anyways, this tutorial will teach you "how to draw Alice" from Alice in Wonderland, step by step. I will be back with more drawing fun so stay tuned.

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