Think about drawing a foot first before you proceed onto drawing the shoe. Here I break down important parts of the foot so you can get a good grasp on what to draw. 1. There is an ankle to the foot. You'll need to know where to place this correctly
Here is what the shoe looks like once it's on the foot. 1. Notice how the curve still appears on the shoe. It NEVER flows un-leveled with the other side. 2. The tip is elongated further so the toes won't touch the top. This is for comfort reasons. 3.
It's good to get a view underneath a shoe. 1. There is texture that are normally straight lines. This allows the shoe to get a grasp on its surface. 2. The edge is curved and fit for the sole of the foot.
It's best to start off a shoe with basic shapes. In this case, we will start off with a basic shape that resembles the shape of the shoe. You'll need to appropriately start off with a foundation to plant your definite details.
next, work on the outline. This is best to quickly sketch so you get a grasp on the outlook of the shoe. Keep in mind what shoes mainly consist of. The most coordinate details is the tongue, strings, toe cap, heel cap and heel.
Let's start drawing the inner details for your shoe. Draw the welt first (the underside rubber layer). After that's completed, work on drawing the toe cap. Finish off by drawing the heel cap and socks lining.
Lastly, you simply add the shoe strings and sock designs. Use your knowledge on how to draw the shoe string tie from the previous steps. The criss-crossed strings should be drawn first before you add the tie.
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October 25, 2010
Description: Hey guys, it's Dawn here with another helpful guide for all you folks having trouble “drawing shoes”. This lesson will give you informative instructions on “how to draw a shoe”, step by step. Shoes can be a difficult thing to succumb when learning to draw specific clothing for a person. Still, I find drawing them pretty difficult and it takes me forever to draw one in a suitable position.I think this lesson will give you helpful tips on where to sketch in details. There are specific areas and techniques to make “drawing shoes easier”. All it takes to get better at a unusual subject, is to practice your way through it! Always be ambitious and on the look out for reference. References play a huge role for drawing specific areas of faulties. When you get stuck on something, go on the web and serach for images or information on the subject you're trying to master. It may take a few tries before you get pleased. Keep a few images on your side for quick references. To be honest, drawing the shoe you see in this tutorial took me an hour to draw. I'm horrible at drawing them, and I'm pretty sure most of you have gone (or are) through the same problem. Anyways folks, I have to leave now. Please keep up your practicing to become the best! Always prepare yourself with a pencil, eraser, paper, and ruler. Thanks for viewing this tut!