This is the simple initial sketch. It is a pure linear drawing with no shadow, just trying to focus on proportions.
The sketch moves ahead trying to pay more attention to proportions and without worrying about shadows and details
Once the sketch is done in previous step I add some tone with the HB or 2B pencil, I do not use the darkest tone, just a basic overall tone that will help in next steps to compare the local tone of each shape.
Once the first basic tone is added, I blend and soften the edges with a blending stump or a soft fabric cloth
As the linear drawing was gone after previous blending, I make a new linear drawing this time with more attention to proportions.
I step back and see the drawing from the distance, squint to see the tone and try to make adjustments for each shape.
I repeat the process once again: adding tone> blending shadows and egdes> linear drawing again > adding tone... Here is the final drawing, a simple and beautiful rose with a powerful method.
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January 3, 2013
Description: Learn how to draw a beautiful rose with this simple and powerful method, you will achieve a nice realistic result.