How to Draw a Jacket

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This is a diagram of the different styles of closure tracks that one can choose when drawing a jacket. The first one is buttons, and the second is zipper.


When drawing hoods on jackets and coats, you have to be sure to draw the hood connected to the collar of the coat and or jacket. See how the notch is behind the neck, and how the hood trails behind it.


There is also different types of pockets as well. For instance you can choose to have an open concept style of pocket, or you can choose the buttoned flap pocket like you see here.


Now you will begin drawing out the jacket which is on a male model. Start by drawing a head shape and then draw the facial guidelines and then the torso shape as well.


Begin sketching out the shape of the head, and eyes like so, and then draw the neck, shoulders, sleeves and or arms, and then the body.


Now sketch out the short hair style on this male model and then continue to draw out the eyes. Next add the nose, and mouth, and then continue sketching out the jacket collar and bottom of the design as well. Don't forget to draw in the zipper or but   


Draw out the eyebrows and bottom lip, and then add more detailing to his face. Continue to draw the collar in full detail, and then draw the top pockets, and bottom pockets to where the hands will stay nice and warm. Add the creases, and dents to add   


Lastly, draw the pipe, and then draw the shirt collar and front design. When that is all set you can add the lips for the top pockets and then the buttons on the pockets and jacket as well. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one to clea   


Now that the drawing is complete you can color in the model and the jacket. I hope you guys had fun with this tutorial on how to draw a jacket. Hope you guys join me again.

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November 25, 2010

Description: Drawing fashionable clothing to look like trendy attire is sometimes difficult to do because there is so many variables in the process. For me I'm a simple gal that likes clothing to look as simple as possible. Today I will go ahead and submit a tutorial that will show folks "how to draw a jacket", step by step. In the previous lesson I uploaded, I showed you all the secrets to draw a coat which was pretty fun and creative. Now when it comes to drawing jackets, there is so many different styles to choose from. This tutorial is on a wool style jacket that is commonly called a crop trench coat. These types of jackets come in both men, and women styles, and they can also be found for children and young adults as well. I wanted to get exaggerated so I drew the gentlemen with a Sherlock Holmes type of pipe in his mouth so he carries a “suavey” look. I had fun creating this lesson on "how to draw a jacket", and if you want to change the male model into a female you can do that as well. There is so many different ways you can choose to draw your jacket, and that is probably one of the funnest challenges to do. Anyways, that just about does it for this tutorial on drawing a jacket. I will be back with two more lessons for you all to tackle so stay tuned in to see what they will be. Adios people, and enjoy the rest of your drawing day.


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