How to Draw a Hippie Girl, Hippie Girl

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Since this is a full figure, start out with the guidelines of the face, hands, torso, legs, and feet. Please draw lightly with a No.2 or HB pencil. There are four placements for her hands and feet. One hand is cradling her face, the other hand is res   


Take your time and softly draw in her hair, face, hand, and shirt outlines.


Now draw in her legs, skirt, boots, and dangling hand. Watch your reference pic closely as to match it with yours. Be patient. If you are confident enough, now is a good time to erase those guidelines. As you will be drawing some detailed designs on    


I decided to continue this picture in red for easy eye recognition. I let the guidelines remain so you can see how they relate to the drawing. It would be easier for you to have your guidelines erased to draw in more details to this picture. Our Blon   


Now the cuffs and boots features are in red to isolate then so you can see the details more closely. Have fun with this... maybe you don't want those circles. You can always be creative and draw something funky here. "Yeah, the Funkadelics!"


FOLLOW THE CURVES - Observe the picture for this Step 6. It is important to follow the curve of a shape to represent realism. Otherwise a picture will look flat or unrealistic. And those fishnets are wonderful to wear, but to draw? Observe how the li   


Here is how the netting looks against her legs. Try copying that look. And let me know how your drawing turned out. This is a different challenge from the rest of my tutorials.


You can stop here if you are interested in drawing the figure. You can color this or continue on with shading, tone, and texture techniques.


The pencil outline has this appearance. Your drawing may or may not look exactly like this. However, it is a fantastic exercise in learning the techniques of drawing as you continue on in this tutorial.


The picture that goes with this Step 10 shows two different ways to hold your pencil to acquire certain effects. OVERHAND: Holding a sharpened pencil in normal writing form with fingers in the middle or near the lead gives you great control and thin/   


PENCIL STROKES & TONE, SHADING, TEXTURE -- For your convenience, I have inserted this step with different pencils, strokes to use. And you can study the shapes that make up this drawing universe, along with tone, shading, and texture.


The picture here is a great exercise for value shading. I've got a little secret tip for you to make things easier. You can download this to your desktop. First click on the picture to have access to full size. By right clicking on your mouse, you ca   


After printing out a number of the above template, practice shading in the values like this picture. You become familiar with this shading technique that gives you more control and confidence.


This step and the following include techniques for detailed pencil drawing. You can use line strokes to fill in the design fashion and blur with a tissue. However, to get quicker results, I used firm pastel color sticks, ranging from light, medium, t   


This is a continuation of my shading. Also while doing her legs, leave a white or light space in the middle areas to represent light falling on the areas nearest to the it.


I cautiously filled in the stripes with medium-dark gray. Also deepen the shading on her legs on the outer areas. I also gave some depth to her hair. You can take your kneaded eraser to remove excess smudges or shadows that are too deep.


I sprayed some more workable fixative on my picture and added more details on the cuffs and boots. Add more shading under the bridge of her fingers where she is cradling her face.


Here is the drawing completed. Add more shading to her arms, skirt, etc. I lightened up her hair nearest her face, added some white for eye sparkle, and gave some white accents to her boots to match my black and white reference picture. The next step   


If you are doing a professional drawing, it is always great to have a reference picture for accuracy. This picture that I turned black and white in my photo editing program, helped me to know how to balance my tones and where to add my highlights.


Click on this picture, to see what I used to create the full color picture. The next step is the full color picture with no interruptions from leaves, letters, or words so you can see the cuff and boot trippy art details.


Psychedelic art, most popular during the late 1960s and early 1970s, combines patterns, objects, light, and sound to simulate hallucinatory experiences. As an artist, I just LOVE the colors! Don't worry, the only trip I've gone on is visiting my fant   

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January 22, 2012

Description: Go-go girls, The Laugh-In TV show, Burbank, flower children, and Hippies are a few of the late sixties to early seventies pop culture. My drawing is a mixture of the long straight hair, go-go boots, and trippy art! I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Please comment, fav or vote. Thank you, everyone!


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