How To Draw Ben 10

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Start this step by drawing out the frame of Ben 10. You will have to draw out the guidelines and shapes to do so. Start by drawing out the shape of his head along with facial guidelines in the middle. Next draw out the shape of his torso and then his   


Now here you will start to sketch out the shape of Ben 10's hair and his facial expression. This is a very easy step. Just draw out the eyebrows and a smile. Now draw in the guidelines for the shape of his t-shirt and then the shapes of his arms alon   


You will focus on his face in this step. Draw or sketch out the shape of his eye brows and the shape of his eyes along with the pupils and all. Now detail his tee with some simple lining and detail the Omnitrix a bit more. As for his pants, detail th   


All you need to do here is draw in the signature lines of Ben's shirt. Now you are ready to erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step 1.


This is what your Ben 10 should look like when you are done drawing him. All you need to do now for the last step is color him in. That will do it for this easy tutorial on how to draw Ben 10.

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May 11, 2008

Description: Now, you all learned how to draw different Ben 10 aliens right? Well now it’s time to learn "how to draw Ben Tennyson" himself. I was thinking to myself, “what good is learning how to draw these different aliens, I should teach people "how to draw Ben 10" as well. So here I am ready and revved to go. Most of us Cartoon Network fans know of that 10 year old kid that finds a mystical device that allows him to turn into at least 10 different alien creatures right. Well Ben Tennyson had no idea what he was getting himself into at the time. I mean just think if you were a 10 year old kid and you found a gadget that attached to your wrist and allowed you to be any alien you wanted, wouldn’t you literally go bizerk with enjoyment? I mean not only does he have the capability to turn into a different being, he is also turning into a super hero at the same time. Each super alien has there very own special powers that enable him to do all kinds of things, from running at over 500 miles per hour, to leaping several building in a single bound. He is paired up with his cousin Gwen Tennyson who is also ten. Now Gwen is like Ben’s conscious, she keeps him going down the straight and narrow. One could say that she helps Ben to think ahead and to plan and calculate his decisions. Even though the two clash heads often, she is still trusted by Ben and together they figure out the mystery behind the Omnitrix. Along with Ben and Gwen is Grandpa Max. Gramps was in the army and had his fair share of strifes and scraps, to Ben grandpa Max is a valuable voice of ideas and keeps Ben feeling like he can accomplish anything. Ben, Gwen, Grandpa Max, and a few of the popular aliens that Ben uses on a daily super hero basis, form an elite force of pile driving crime stoppers. Ben 10 is a sure fire hit with kids and adults alike. In this tutorial you will learn "how to draw Ben 10" in a few simple steps. The easy to read steps come with awesome fluent instructions. So go ahead and select your favorite alien, because after your done drawing Ben 10 you will have the capability to turn into your alien of choice, or if you want, learn how to draw Ben 10 Alien Force when he is a teen instead of a kid.

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