How to Draw an Island

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The first thing you will do is draw two circles like so, then draw the long stems which will later be the trunks.


Start drawing the foliage on the tree which is sort of shaped like a spade. Sketch in the leaf detailing, then draw the serrated looking edges.


Draw four more leaves as well as detailing them all. The notches along the edges of the leaves also needs to be detailed.


Draw the last remaining leaves on this coconut tree like so, then draw in the coconuts.


Sketch out the trunk of the tres, then draw in the horizontal lines up and down the shaft. You will also need to add some grass too.


Instead of taking things slow with the second tree, I just want you guys to draw the entire thing out using the same instructions from the previous tree. Add detailing to the trunk and leaves, then add some rocks and grass.


For the last step, draw the shape of the island, then draw all the little washed up rocks from the crashing waves from the ocean.


Once all the mistakes are cleared up, you should end up with a drawing that looks like the one you see here.

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March 7, 2013

Description: If you really think about it, there is nothing new you can't think of when it comes to drawing different things. Sometimes I get stumped when it comes time to creating new exciting lessons, but after a while I will randomly think of something to draw when I'm not thinking about it. Anyways, the idea for this tut came to me when my little sister came home with a gold fish that had Spongebob's pineapple house for a cave. That got me thinking about an episode when Spongebob went to land and dried up. Because of that I thought of making a tutorial on "how to draw an island", step by step. This is a very basic lesson that will show you in a very simple way the ins and outs to making another form of land. There is only a couple trees, and a pile of rocky sand. You could actually tweak the concept any way you like so don't be afraid to experiment. That is all I have to say about this submission. Just have fun and show others what you have done. Peace folks, and enjoy.

#draw trees #how to draw land

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