First we're going to show two different types of scenes. First up is a scene as if you were looking straight onto it from in front of it. This is a simply type of scenery. It's easy to do and useful for a lot of different types of scenes you might w
Next is one as if we were standing off to the side a bit. This style is still just eye catching as the straight on view, though it includes more of a backgrounds and it doesn't end abruptly like the other.
Now we'll look at the horizon line and where the vanishing point. In the straight on look, the horizon line and vanishing point (in blue) are almost right in the center, right behind stone.
In the side view picture the horizon line is above our main subject. On the horizon line are mountains that extend above even that, which is fine, it's sort of like making the horizon line thicker. If you notice the radial lines that are supposed to
Now we'll look at the point of interest. In this picture it's pretty obvious where the point of interest is. It's in the very center of the picture on the stone structure. This is a common point of interest that is used but you want to be careful wit
Now we're going to look a four point system. It's a quick and easy tool to create an eye catching scene with our it pulling away from the rest of the picture. By dividing the picture into thirds on both sides, you create a box in the center. Each cor
Now we'll look at different backdrops that you can use for your scene. Here are three common ones. First is Landscape, great for when creating a scene that overlooks a vast open area.
Next is the cityscape. This manmade backdrop is great for creating any look you want. From a pristine rooftop view to a dark grungy back ally, you can get just any feel you want in a city.
Then we have seascapes. These are great for creating a fun day at the beach, a romantic cruise out on the ocean or even an evening at sunset with a fisherman off the coast of Maine.
Now we'll try putting tu use what we've gone over. First we'll draw out a rough sketch for our background. I'm going to go with a valley surrounded by mountains being overlook by a cliff. I drew my horizon line going across the very middle of the ima
Next we'll do a rough sketch of the things that we want in our scene. I'm going to have someone standing on the cliff overlooking a city in the valley that has a high mage's tower in the center of it making it like a sundial. I'll have a river runnin
As you can see, I've chosen to use both forms of identifying the points of interest in this picture. The figure is on one of the four points and the city in the distance is on the center point of origin.
Next we're going to do a rough sketch of the details of our picture. For the objects in the foreground, you'll have more detail, but as this get further off into the distance, things will have less and less definition.
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November 12, 2010
Description: Here is a tutorial on drawing eye catching scenes to help tell the story you're trying to tell with your picture. Tips on points of interest, types of scenes and more for you to enjoy. Good Luck