Draw a medium sized circle for the top part of the flower and then draw another smaller circle in the middle. You will then draw a vertical line for the stem and then two leaf lines for the daisy's leaves.
Now you will start this step by learning how to draw daisy pedals. Draw a total of fifteen daisy pedals the way you see them here and then draw out the spiral design inside of the middle part of the flower. Once you are done, you will move to the nex
Finish this tutorial by drawing out the rest of the daisy pedals and detail the middle parts of them as well. Next, draw out the stem and then draw the leaves too. Erase the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up your drawing of
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April 18, 2009
Description: This is going to be a very easy lesson on how to draw a daisy, step by step. The daisy is probably one of the most recognized flowers of our day and out of all the different flowers that are planted. The flower is called "bellis perennis" which is derived from the europeon species of daisy. Even though the flower is really called a bellis perennis, there are so many more plants that share the name “daisy” and it may be because they are all related. Other flowers of the same species are called common daisy, lawn daisy, and even an English daisy. The flower comes from the northern and central parts of Europe and throughout North and South America. The daisy holds a delicate look with petite pedals. They not only come in shades of white, daisies can also be found in yellow and pink as well. One of the reasons why I love spring is because it is the time of the year to start planting all of your favorite flowers like the common daisy. There is so many tutorials on the web nowadays that show you how to draw a daisy and how to draw daisy pedals, but for me none of them held the true simple appearance of this pretty flower that makes them part of innocence in many ways. I think this will be a fun lesson on "how to draw a daisy", step by step. You can even call this tutorial how to draw a common daisy, lawn daisy or English daisy depending on what you type in the search engine. If you want to change the color of your flower from white to pink or yellow, all you have to do is choose a different shade of colored pencil, crayon, marker or paint. I shall return again like I always say, so until my return have fun and stay creative.