How to Draw Hiccup Lilo


Make the body guides for Lilo by making the head and torso shapes. Sketch in the facial guidelines and move to step two.


Next, define the shape of Lilo's face like so, then draw in her short bangs and ear.


We will then draw the top portion of Lilo's head as well as the length of her long straight hair.


Draw the neck shape and then draw the long vest that she is wearing because that is what Hiccup wears.


We will add the shirt under the vest like so, and then add the design lines midway.


Here we will draw Lilo's arms and hands. Notice that they are chunky just like a small child's hands should be.


Draw in her legs and boots to create the feet.


Now we will begin to draw in her face starting with the eyes, nose, mouth and ear detailing.


Lastly, add the eyeballs and erase your mistakes and guides.


Good work guys. Just complete the lesson by coloring in Lilo version of Hiccup.

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August 12, 2015

Description: You have to make a lesson on the rider if you are making fused versions of your favorite characters of all time. That is the idea with this lesson on how to draw Hiccup Lilo. This is basically a tutorial on Lilo, she is just wearing Hiccup's clothes. Lilo and Hiccup are awesome characters and so that made it really fun to create a concept such as this one that you see here. Not only is this tut exciting and fun to draw, it is going to be easy as well. So saddle up and get ready to draw Hiccup Lilo.

#how to draw lilo and stitch characters #how to draw how to train your dragon characters
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