How to Draw Phil Anselmo From Pantera


Sketch the basic shape of the body . Be sure to leave space on the left side.


Draw the outlines of his head as well as the eye nose mouth and ear.


Now outline his left arm .


Finish with the right arm and the microphone .


Now your sketch should look like this, ignore the tattoo on the head , I made that just as a doodle .


Before going into detailing anything , make an overall layer of shadow . His skin tone is light and it will be enhanced by the black background in the end. Use a very light pencil for the first layer .


Now using a slightly darker pencil make a guessed it, slightly darker layer .


This is the last layer before going into detailed shading on individual parts . The dark thing under his arm is the arms shadow on his abdomen , just in case you were wondering .


You have a base on which you can lay the details , like the little shadows on the face and the hair .


Now move down and shade his right arm and cigarette .


Using a light pencil suggest the hair on his chest and the one in the armpit.


Now use a sharp darker pencil to make the hair more realistic .


Continue with the left arm and the microphone .


Finish the body with his abdomen. The arm shadow is completely black. Don't forget to ad hair on his gut.


This part was particularly tricky since the reference picture I used was not clear enough to distinguish the details of the tattoos , so I had to browse pictures of his tattoos one by one . Sketch his tattoos using a light pencil, don't go into detai   


Once you sketched them you can go on to filling them in .


Finish off with the tattoos on his left arm .


I made the background with a dark 8B pencil, no graphite powder this time since I wanted the darkest background I could get.

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September 28, 2014

Description: Hey guys! This is the most awesome tutorial I made so far because it's on the one and only , Mr. Philip Hansen Anselmo ,current vocalist of the band Down and former vocalist of the legendary Pantera . I'm not gonna say much , this man is God, that's all you need to know .Have fun drawing this !

#how to draw realistic #how to draw singers
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