Sketch the basic shape of the body and the guidelines for the face. His body may look bulky for an old man but remember he's wearing armor .
Now smudge those areas and around them . I did not use a darker pencil, smudging give that effect.
Now the body. Start from left to right just because I say so . Just kidding, if you're left handed start with the cape on his shoulders, so skip down a few steps and the come back to this one .
Make the piece around his neck completely black and slightly shade the central piece of the armor .
The most fun to draw, the cape thingy . Make some slight shadows on it, you'll have to smudge them later.
Use graphite powder and smudge it all over the paper to make a nice and quick background. Careful not to smudge over the drawing .
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September 27, 2014
Description: Hey guys! This tutorial is on Tywin Lannister , a fictional character from the insanely popular Game of Thrones series of books and TV show on HBO. Tywin is the father of Tyrion , Jaimie and Cersei Lannister . Being one of the oldest characters on the show , he delivers some pretty bold and awesome lines, which is something you would except from someone with his experience . He plays a vital role the 4th season ,which you haven't seen please stop whatever you're doing and watch it . Anyway, I hope you enjoy this tutorial, good luck!