Buddy the Elf Drawing Lesson


Start off like we always do and that is by drawing the shapes and guidelines for the character you are about to draw. For Buddy, you will make two shapes, one for the head and one for the body. Then draw the guidelines for the face, arms and legs.


Define the shape of Buddy's face. When that is done you can draw in the elf ears ( I know Buddy the elf don't have pointed ears, this is something I added). Then draw the curly head of hair.


We will now work on his face. It should be filled with big round eyes, a nose and then his eyebrows and mouth.


Give Buddy a hat and don't forget the feather. Notice the hat is triangle shaped.


We will work on the body now that the head is drawn out. Make the collar lapels, then draw the arms, torso, sleeves, cuffs and then the belt.


Draw in Buddy's legs followed by the feet.


Lastly, give Buddy a set of hands and erase the mistakes and guides.


That's it, you're done. Add some color and decorate your home with this colorful drawing of Buddy the Elf.

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October 2, 2022

Description: I'm sure many of you are familiar with Will Ferrell's character Buddy from his Christmas film "Elf". Well, today I will be showing you all how to draw Buddy the Elf, step by step in a very simple form. He is actually in a chibi state, but no matter what Buddy looks like he is still the adorable human elf that believes he is a real, honest to God Santa's helper. I love the lesson, I thought the drawing came out great so I do hope you all enjoy drawing Buddy from Elf.

#how to draw elves #christmas drawings #christmas elves
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