How to Draw Baby Groot

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Start by making a planter pot and then draw the long squiggle line for Groot's rooted body. You will then draw the head guide and sketch in the facial guidelines.


Next, begin sketching out the shape of baby Groot's face structure which is a whole lot smaller then his regular face. Add the bunched up roots to create a head of wood hair, then move to step three.


Use the facial guidelines to draw in the big shapes of baby Groot's eyes then color them in leaving some spots of white. Add the brow detailing which should be pretty prominent, then draw the wrinkles or creases around the mouth lining. Add some leav   


Now we can work on drawing the stem or trunk for baby Groot's body. As you can see the body is twined up or bunched together because it's growing into an actual body.


Now you can draw the arms which are part of the roots or new growth spurting from the trunk. Again, the arms or limbs should look like they are twisted and fused.


All you will do here is add detailing to baby Groot's body and then draw in some fingers in the form of smaller growths. Add leaves and you can proceed to step seven.


Baby Groot is done. We will work on drawing the planter pot. Draw the top portion of the pot which is the rim, then move along to step eight.


Next up, finish drawing the pot and add cracks because since this baby version of Groot is growing the pot is cracking. Erase the mistakes and guides, then you are done.


Are you ready to color baby Groot in? Good, because that is what you will need to do now. I do hope you enjoyed this concept on a popular character from Guardians of the Galaxy.

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September 9, 2014

Description: Ever wonder what Groot would have looked like as a baby? Well I thought it would be cool to make a tutorial on "how to draw baby Groot", step by step. As you know the original version of Groot is holding his spot at number 45 in the Top 50 and I think it's because he is a well liked character. I have never seen the movie yet, but when it comes out on DVD I will run to the nearest Redbox and rent it for a night or two. Anyways, this version of Groot is super cute in a very baby way. As you can see he starts out as a plant, and his face is probably one of the cutest faces I have drawn in baby form. Whenever you draw babies it's always fun anyway so it doesn't matter who you choose to draw. Anyways, have fun with turning Groot into his baby form. I will be back in a bit so stay tuned in.

#how to draw guardians of the galaxy characters

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